Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sisters ...

Last weekend, I spent a lot of time with Emma and Lila. There are few things better than a Saturday spent with grand kids. The girls are coming up on their common birthday in just a month -- Emma will be four and Lila will be one. There will be great celebrating on the big day. This picture celebrates the heart of that shared birthday -- the simple joy of knowing that you will always have your sister's hand to hold, a best friend who will help you walk when the world is wiggly and someone who thinks you are just the most fun in the entire world. Sometimes we forget the great gift of sisters and brothers, of family, of friends and get caught up in stuff.
Shame on us, because we really do know better.

The really neat thing is that being the big sister who's keeping the wiggly world safe or being the little sister who honors you with trust are both needful. We all need that hand to keep us steady; and we all need to be needed.

Jesus talked about our need to be connected to each other in the 15th chapter of John's Gospel. He said ... I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit ... I no longer call you servants because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead I have called you friends ..."

It's really all about leaning on Him, growing in His love, and letting Him produce fruit in your life. It's about putting your hand in His hand and letting Him make your world less wiggly. You can find joy beyond measure in letting your best friend help you walk.
Emma and Lila did.
Keep the faith!

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