Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Forgotten Man at the Manger ...

Christmas brings lots of memories -- family gatherings, watching "It's a Wonderful Life," "A Christmas Carol," and the "Christmas Story" are all near the top. They remind us of the blessings of family and how precious it is to spend this season with the ones we love. It's also a season to remember the One whose birth we celebrate. It is so easy to get caught up in the cards, the shopping, the decorating, the parties and figuring out exactly how far our budget can stretch that we can forget just what we celebrate.
There are moments when it does come back into focus -- when we think about that night when there was no room at the inn. That night when, in the words of John's gospel, "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us." (John 1:14) I'm not sure that the Christmas creche is exactly right with shepherds, angels and wise men collecting in the stable on the same night. Matthew's gospel tells us that the wise men came to the house where the child was staying (Matthew 2:11), but I am sure that Joseph was present when Jesus was born.
Joseph amazes me -- he was asked to trust Mary who told him what must have seemed to be an impossible story. He had no visit from an angel to calm his fears or settle his doubts, and yet he stood by Mary protecting her and the Baby who would save them both. All that Joseph had was his love for Mary, and a dream (Matthew 1:20). I wonder how many of us would be willing to set aside our pride, our doubts and our hurts because of a dream that told us ... "do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife ... that the child is of the Holy Spirit ... and that you shall call his name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins."
Somehow in all of our remembrance of Bethlehem, the inn with no room, the shepherds, Mary, the cattle trough, and the Magi Joseph seems to slip quietly into the background. I have come to appreciate the rare gift of humility that he demonstrates -- just do the loving and right thing even if no one sees it. But Joseph received an honor that the rest of us can only imagine -- he was chosen to protect Mary and Jesus, to provide a home for them, and to love that holy baby. What an awesome reward!
This song, written by Michael Card, is the only Christmas song that looks to Joseph and opens up the heart of that father. Think of this as an early Christmas gift -- I hope it gets you into the real Christmas spirit.

Keep the faith!

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