Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Spring Will Come ...

These flowers were in a Botanical Garden at the University of Munster, Germany.
The picture was taken in September of 2008 while attending a conference. It's now the end of January, and we've had more than 30 inches of snow so far this winter. I haven't seen my driveway without ice and snow for weeks. While there have been days with dazzling sunshine, it has been hard to remember flowers. Remember the look and smell of flowers, remember the extravagance of God in His creation, then smile.


  1. Spring I can't wait I am surely not a snow bunny!! There is something special though about a snowall untouched by man it seems to cleanse the earth...then again a beautiful seashore, palm trees and some tropical flowers always seem to make me smile.

  2. If yall still lived in BIRMINGHAM, Spring would come faster that it does for you now! SOOOOO, move back! hhahahaha! I'm so glad you started blogging! Come visit mine sometimes , too, for a SOUTHERN slant on life! HA!
