Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ducks in A Row ...

I wish I could tell you how many times that I've been told to "get my ducks in a row" or that "all of my ducks are in a row." I've always wondered if the ducks would care about rows. This morning I found the answer to that puzzlement. Apparently these ducks decided that getting into a row was warmer.

This was taken at the settling pond next to the Swansea junior high. I've driven by it more times than I can count, but today I brought my camera along. Because the camera was there, I stopped long enough to see what I've failed to see so often. We all need to practice seeing. There are so many other things that we need make the effort to see. Pray that the One who created all with just a word will open the eyes of our hearts to see the marvels of His creation and to see the wonders of His grace.

It's great to use the camera as a tool to see, but prayer is the tool that lets us see Him.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Emma, Papa & a Kite

It's still January, but we've already started to plan a summer vacation -- once again, we will be blessed with the opportunity to spend two weeks with the kids and grandkids on Cape Cod in July and August. There is nothing better than short pants, grandkids and kites on a July day on the beach!

When I consider how many people are without work and are losing hope, I know how precious it is to be held in my Father's hand. We can be sure that He does not slumber or sleep, that no sparrow falls without His notice, and that He has plans to prosper us, and not to harm us. Keeping our eyes on Him, on His love, and His faithfulness is our real peace.

Keep the faith!


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Spring Will Come ...

These flowers were in a Botanical Garden at the University of Munster, Germany.
The picture was taken in September of 2008 while attending a conference. It's now the end of January, and we've had more than 30 inches of snow so far this winter. I haven't seen my driveway without ice and snow for weeks. While there have been days with dazzling sunshine, it has been hard to remember flowers. Remember the look and smell of flowers, remember the extravagance of God in His creation, then smile.

Sakonnet Point, Little Compton, RI Dec. 30, 2008

These are three views of the beach and lighthouse at Sakonnet Point taken on a clear, sunny, and windy day in December of 2008. It is so easy to forget the amazing scenes all around us -- remembering to look ensures that we will capture the moments that take our breath away.

Candace's Brothers, Sisters, and Spouses

Here are Candace, Priscilla, Lisa, Bill,and John with Richard, Bill, John, Vickie and Claire -- photo taken on Saturday, December 27, 2008. It is a rare opportunity for all of the Shaw kids to get together when someone isn't getting married.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I've decided to start a blog as a home for family photos and news. From time to time, I will post new photos and share what is happening with our family and friends. I trust that you'll find this to be a worthwhile visit.