Sunday, July 12, 2009

don't forget simple pleasures ...

June has been something of a disappointment weather wise -- dull, grey and rainy. It never felt like the beginning of Summer.
Well, July promises much better things. This afternoon Candace and I took a walk at Colt State Park in Bristol. Because it's on the bay, someone is always flying a kite -- or at least trying. Kite flying and summer just seem to go together -- like Astaire and Rodgers, like Martin and Lewis, Batman and Robin or Big Poppi and the Redsox.
Be sure to take at least one day this Summer to, as they sang in Mary Poppins, " ... go fly a kite." It is an opportunity to remember being a kid when Summer lasted forever and seeing your kite soaring in a blue sky made your day. But there are a few rules on kite flying. One, it's not about whose kite flies higher or longer. Two, it doesn't matter how many times the kite lands in the water. Three, it's a good day if you have functioning kite when you're done.
Next week we're heading back to Dennisport for vacation -- swimming, kite flying, taking pictures of the Cape, hanging out with my grandchildren and children, barbecue and walks on the beach. A full week with one agenda -- have fun. The simplest pleasures are the the most satisfying -- don't forget to fly a kite before September.
Keep the faith

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