Monday, February 16, 2009

once there was a spider ...

Over the last few days I've had several conversations about bailouts, stimulus packages, problems with the Congress, questions about where all of this is going and are we confident that real progress will be made. Clearly no one really knows what's contained in all 1800+ pages of the stimulus bill. It leaves me, and many others, I'm sure, puzzled.

Then I remembered this photo of a little spider (click on the image to see it full screen -- it's a wee spider!) that was spinning a web in the heart of this flower. That spider had no certainty that its next meal would show up, that the flower wouldn't be picked, that the rain wouldn't wash its efforts away or that a bigger spider wouldn't move in. It simply went about its business of spinning its web in a place where lunch happens. I trust that the little guy made it.

There is a lesson for all of us here -- get on with the business of life in spite of all of its uncertainties. If we wait until we know how it will turn out or until everything is perfectly safe, life will pass us by. The flower will be gone; the day will pass and we will miss all of what is right. We need to be in the moment just as that little spider was in its moment -- just as purposeful and just as confident that there was nowhere else to be.

The Apostle Paul told us to do all things as unto the Lord. I wonder if we really apprehend that statement -- that all of our lives are to be lived for His glory and to bring praise to His name. It means that we don't work for the people who sign the paycheck, but we work to honor the One who was a carpenter and redeemed us. We do all things for the One who told us that we were not to worry about tomorrow and to let each days troubles be sufficient for that day. He told us that we were not to worry about what we would eat or what we would wear because our Father already knows what we need; He also promised us that He would never leave us nor forsake us.

There is a great gift in knowing that we are to live life one moment and one day at a time. There's a great song that tells us to "keep doin' our best, pray that it's blessed, and Jesus takes care of the rest!"

Keep the Faith!


  1. That was just beautiful , the anlogy with the spider. Thanks for reminding us! hugs jan <><

  2. So right. This is a time when people need what we have to offer more than ever. We have hope. We have a BIG God who knows what the future holds. Nothing is a surprise to Him. And, because He loves us, we know that He has our good in mind. If we have trusted Him in smaller things, we know we can trust Him in big things. God will make a way.
