Sunday, May 16, 2010

don't forget to remember ...

This week I found a copy of a concert video which features James Taylor and Carole King performing at the Troubadour. They had a collaboration through the '70's that defined the very best of pop music at that time. Watching Carole perform so many of the songs from Tapestry reminded me of the places where I first heard them -- Ames, Birmingham, Cape Cod, Bridgewater, ... and the good friends who are part of the memories of those places and times. Watching James do the magic with the songs that will always be his fills me with a joy that there really are some things that for all the changes remain charming and true. I do wonder which of today's songs will have the same power 40 years later.
JT introduced You've Got A Friend and reminded all of us that Carole allowed him to release the single while she was cutting Tapestry. He went on to say that he's had the opportunity to sing that song every night ever since then. I am convinced that the reason why so many of us love the song is that we all need a friend like the one in the song and we all wish that we could be as good a friend as the song promises. The song speaks to a need and gives us a promise that the need can be met.
In John's Gospel (John 15:15 and 15:13) Jesus told the disciples -- No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends. Two verses earlier Jesus told them that -- Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. I am convinced that the real reason why we all cherish this lovely song --You've Got A Friend -- is because it has an echo of a deeper truth and it speaks to that greatest love and our first and best Friend.
Keep the faith!